A Whole New World…

Funding from our donors help elevate performing arts provision at KAA, and widen access and participation in drama, dance and music.

The KAA Christmas Panto (along with the Summer Musical) is one of the highlights of the school calendar and the latest offering may have been the greatest of all.

An exceptional production of Aladdin involving over 120 students in every aspect from script-writing and set-design to acting, dancing and singing, supported by a team of dedicated teachers covering all disciplines of performing and fine arts. They performed to a packed audience of parents and friends to rapturous laughter and applause.

Further testimony to the high quality of the production is the brilliant outcome of the school's performance at the national school dance competition The Great Big Dance Off. The 32 members the Intrepidus Dance Troupe performed a routine to Aladdin's  "A Friend Like Me", combining dance elements of jazz, contemporary, and impressive lifts.

They did an incredible job and were rewarded with second in the national heats! Next stop - the national finals of the Great Big Dance Off in the summer!


Students design new mural


Supporting excellence