Breakfast Club

Our daily Breakfast Club at KAA is open to all students with over half our pupils attending and is a vital offering and desperately needed project that KIT’s funders support as over 50% of our pupils are eligible for FSM (Free School Meals) compared to the national average of 24.9%.

Breakfast Club has been vital in ensuring students start the day with a proper meal whilst also providing other benefits such as homework and revision support, a KAA”s Got Talent Competition and an opportunity to meet with old friends and make new ones.

Dubbed ‘The Hub of the School’, the breakfast club provides much more than just food – though the food is fantastic and nutritious (yoghurt and fruit, eggs, wholemeal toast, porridge and healthy cereals) and all made on-site from scratch by our wonderful catering team – even the yoghurt and cereals!

a diagram showing 86%

58% of students attending our Breakfast Club meant they got to lessons on time.

an illustration of healthy breakfast options

32% of students said they would not have breakfast if they did not attend the Breakfast Club

a diagram showing 43%

38% of students said that they had made new friends at Breakfast Club.

an illustration of a notepad and pen

24% of students said their schoolwork had improved as there is homework support and their concentration was helped by having a healthy breakfast.


"I like Breakfast Club as I make new friends, am early to class and have a healthy breakfast"

“Breakfast Club has improved my focus on learning. It is amazing and I really enjoy it at the start of the day”

“When I first started, like, not many people started talking to me and stuff – I would just go and sit on my own. Now I can just sit anywhere and say ‘hi’ and I can also see the teachers.”


Breakfast is widely regarded as ‘the most important meal of the day’, helping to replenish energy levels, boost alertness and ensure all round good health. With a large proportion of KAA students eligible for free school meals, the opportunity provided by breakfast club – a free and nutritious start to their day – is hugely valuable for their wellbeing and ability to succeed at school.

Family Breakfast provides a safe space to develop friendships through talk and play and to meet with teachers and mentors, who use the time to prepare students for the school day ahead, chat through problems and offer counsel.

The Breakfast Club is funded by donations to the KAA Intrepidus Trust.


“Breakfast club brightens me up and gets me ready for the day, it also has helped me arrive to school early”

“Breakfast club means I don’t get hungry in lessons and I can focus”

 “Breakfast club makes me happier in the morning, because I get something to eat and play games, and it’s fun”


Naomi, Year 7, tells us about why she enjoys coming to our Breakfast Club.