Performing & Creative Arts


Kensington Aldridge Academy is a performing arts specialist academy, but despite this, the costs of music, drama and dance can be prohibitive to our students. We look to subsidise the costs of these activities, particularly for the most disadvantaged students, and create opportunity across arts, culture, literature and media.

an illustration of some music notes

A record 149 students received free or subsidised weekly instrumental tuition.

an illustration of happy and sad theatre masks

119 students took part in KIT-sponsored drama & musical performances.

22 Performing Arts Scholars passed their LAMDA exams with Distinction


Beginning in September 2018, with funding from KIT donors, a programme of highly subsidised 1:1 tuition in has been rolled out at the school. Each year around 150 students from all year groups enjoy the opportunity to learn By subsidising tuition we have ensured that the opportunity to learn piano, singing, drums, guitar, woodwind or strings. This funding has also enabled us to increase lesson time from 20 to 30 minutes, allowing greater depth of learning. All students in tuition are strongly encouraged to take Music GCSE and do a grade each year and to join the growing number of musical ensembles at the school.

Over 40% of participants are Pupil Premium students, with instruments distributed and free tuition offered according to circumstance.

Agatha speaks about how much she values being able to learn piano at school.


With at least two stage productions a year (a pantomime at Christmas and a musical in the Summer,) we provide opportunities for students across dance, drama and music disciplines, as well as those involved in the back-stage area.

The funding from KIT sponsors enables the school to have a professional set, wonderful costumes, great props and our own band and the productions form a highlight in both the Autumn and Summer Terms for pupils, teachers, parents and supporters.

In 2024, our productions were Cinderalla and the well known musical, Oliver.

Annual Literary Festival

KIT sponsors an annual literary festival at the academy - a magnificent week-long celebration of literature and the written word in all its forms, designed to open minds and inspire.

‘Lit fest was a really fun week and allowed us to explore poetry…it changed my view of poetry completely. It showed us that we can express our emotions through poetry’ Year 9 pupil.

Past years have featured engaging and inspiring workshops by authors and journalists including journalist, Richard Brooks; poets Arji Manuelpillaia and Adam Kammerling; and u, Sam Angus, Anthony McGowan, Katherine Rundell, Non Pratt, Adam Kammerling, Andy Mulligan, and Lindsey Barraclough.