French Trip to Paris
Students from low-income backgrounds are often prevented from being able to attend overseas trips, which are so valuable in broadening horizons and raising aspiration. For this reason KIT subsidised a language trip to Paris attended by 40 students during the Easter holidays the majority of whom were studying GCSE or A-level French.
Almost all of the students had never been to Paris, several had never been abroad before, and so this trip provided a perfect opportunity to introduce them to French culture and history. Visits to key historical monuments, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe, and art galleries, such as the Musee d'Orsay, enabled them to see first-hand important works of art and appreciate the importance of various historical events and movements. Many commented that their favourite part of the trip was a visit to a specific museum or gallery: “my favourite part of the trip was visiting the Louvre and learning about the Greek mythology”
Students spoke French in shops, cafes, when buying food, in restaurants, to people on the boat trip and as we walked around. They were also surrounded by French the entire time. Particular highlights include a student communicating to a hotel member about his lost key, students speaking to the attendee in the bateau mouche queue and several students spontaneously taking part in competitions organised by one of the restaurants which involved them speaking French to a wide variety of people.
Students gained confidence in their social interactions, in their own ability to travel abroad and look after themselves, and they broadened their horizons over the course of the trip. Students were given a degree of controlled autonomy that allowed them to explore and they commented on this as being something they really appreciated.
Several groups of students told me that they were planning trips to return to Paris this summer - ‘we are so grateful for this opportunity that we’ve decided to come back to Paris in the summer and visit more tourist sights and talk to even more locals.”
Another remarked, “it was the first time I’ve been to Paris and I’m fully convinced to move and work here when I’m older”