Supporting aspiring lawyers
For 2023-24, the partnership between KAA and 7BR (7 Bedford Row) Chambers has been renewed and will take the form of a ‘ Law Society’ through five sessions held across the academic year. The idea behind the programme, created by 7BR, is to expose the cohort of students, mostly from Year 12 and 13, to some of the key elements of a career in the Law, but also to allow them to hear ‘straight from the horse’s mouth.’ The different elements devised will better equip them with the practical skills and understanding needed for the application and interview processes which they will face both in order to get onto degree courses but also to gain placements at chambers or in law firms.
The first session in November was led by Mass Ndow-Njie, a young member of the chambers and founder of the charity Bridging the Bar, who discussed his personal journey to become a barrister. He spoke to the whole of the KAA Sixth Form and delivered a highly informative and emotive description of the challenges he overcame along the way whilst also emphasising the range of paths that can be taken into what may seem like a highly structured and elite institution.
Mass Ndow-Njie, a young member of the chambers and founder of the charity Bridging the Bar, talking to our Sixth Form about his personal journey to become a barrister.
The second session took place in December and focused on providing the students with insight into how to become a solicitor as well as the day to day aspects of the role. Olivia Bennett of 7BR chambers organised a panel of three speakers: one from the commercial team of Allen & Overy and two from the criminal team at Hodge, Jones & Allen. The range allowed the students to hear about working in two very different areas. The session finished with a Q&A session, when the students were able to ask lots of questions and set up connections on LinkedIn with the possibility of arranging shadowing/work experience in the future.
Future sessions in the programme will provide application and interview guidance and the programme will conclude with a debate based on the case AB v Worcestershire County Council and Birmingham City Council, which was heard in the Court of Appeal. This will be held in the Summer term and provide students with some valuable exposure to the essential skills of debating, public speaking and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an argument.
Lawyers from 7BR Chambers, Allen & Overy and Hodge, Jones & Allen with our new Sixth Form Law Society.