Celebrating the late Duke of Edinburgh’s legacy at KAA

The late Prince Philip’s legacy continues in the form of our 118 Duke of Edinburgh Award students, who, before and during lockdown, demonstrated the true KAA spirit of resilience and citizenship working throughout this time on their Awards.  

Jake, in Year 11, who is doing the DofE Bronze Award says:

“In DofE I learnt many important new skills that I didn’t have before. For example, for my volunteering I learnt how to communicate with those around me in a shop environment. Through my physical activity, I learnt how to better communicate with my team and enhanced my skills in rowing. Through skills I was able to improve my abilities with a musical instrument (alto saxophone). Overall, I think DofE is a good experience to learn new skills and meet new people”


And Rolyn, who is also doing DofE Bronze says:

“For my volunteering, I signed up to volunteer at a local charity shop. I found it very nerve racking at first because I was not very fond of speaking to other people who I don't know. I went to this charity shop every Saturday and every weekend, I would speak to more people every day- customers or workers.  I enjoyed volunteering because it allowed me to go out and do something helpful in my free time instead of just sitting at home doing nothing. Because of this aspect helping me improve my communication skills, I am now slightly more confident in talking to others who I may not know.”

Since returning back to school this term, our students have immersed themselves in expedition training, volunteering and learning new skills, alongside studying for their exams. The Silver students will go on their expedition at the end of summer.

Thank you to our donors for their continued support of the DofE Award programme, which has allowed so many students to embark on this exciting journey and enhance their transferable skills.


“The DofE award has been really enjoyable to do, I liked that I was able to begin learning a new skill which I may not have learnt without starting DofE: first aid.”

— Silver Award student

“The award has helped me in many ways - one would be that it’s motivated me to stay healthy, by going on regular walks.”

— Silver Award student

Kayleigh Noele

Kayleigh is based in London, UK and New York City, NY. She has worked in web design for almost two decades and began specialising as a Squarespace Web Designer, working with 100s of small and solo businesses worldwide, in 2017.


Thank you, Shukran and Obrigado!


Lockdown Achievement Rewards