Lockdown Achievement Rewards
Learning has been really tough over lockdown, especially for students living in crowded accommodation and facing issues around connectivity and access to devices.
We recently paid for 100 laptops on loan to Year 7s learning remotely, which has made a huge difference to the @home experience. Another boost has been the Student Achievement Awards, funded by KIT, which recognise achievement in learning and engagement by students during lockdown.
Over lockdown, our teachers carried out visits to pupils' homes to award certificates, and distributed certificates to over 200 students both at home and at the on-site school for vulnerable & key-worker children.
The impact of these rewards, which were either a National Book Token to or WHSmith Voucher, has been to maintain motivation and high attendance during a period in which pupils had become increasingly demoralised and disengaged with learning.
Here is what students and teachers have said about the Awards:
"Thank you so much. I love the teachers here; they've taught me so much".
— Tutdel (Year 10) who received the Commitment Prize
Tutdel is new to English and his teachers have been so impressed with his progress and developing fluency over the last few months. It was noted that when a member of staff was leaving the school site last Friday, he spotted Tutdel sitting in reception long after the students had left. Tutdel had decided to stay behind to continue working on his English - a testament to his dedication to learning and focused work ethic.
"Last term I enjoyed being able to learn new things even whilst stuck at home. I think there are more challenges to learning at home than at school particularly when falling behind in a topic, it’s really difficult to catch up without any extra support [in person]. When I found out that I had received an award, I was surprised and excited because I didn’t know that my efforts were being acknowledged [in this way]. I had my certificate hand delivered to me at my front door. I’m really grateful for that teacher who made the effort to come all the way to my home and give it to me."
— Mozemel (Year 10), who received the KS4 Intrepidus Award for Humanities
"I just want to say a big thank you for my award. My parents are very proud of me."
Jouad, Year 10 who received the Contingency School Commitment Prize.
— Jouad, Year 10 who received the Contingency School Commitment Prize
"There has been a noticeable positive shift in Year 9's attitude to corrections and their accountability over the past 2 weeks."
— Sophie Armitage, Director of Learning
"I did my home visit to Jacob with his certificate; mum and him were so touched!"
— Millie Reed, Director of Learning, Year 7